Monday, June 6, 2011

Review: Where She Went (#2) - Gayle Forman

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Pages: 264

ISBN: 9780525422945

Series: If I Stay #2

Rating: 4/5 Stars

It took me some time to read this but for personal reasons only. I think I would have read this is a day if I had the opportunity. It was a very good read. It was interesting to really understand the minds of the young couple, Adam & Mia. There were time when I just couldn't believe the decisions that they made being as young as they are but I guess it can happen. I really liked the book just the way it was. In the beginning I was a little angry because I thought it was going to end entirely different but it ended perfect and I couldn't ask for anything more.

The first book in the series, If I Stay was more about Mia and her thoughts and this book, being the second in the series, was more about Adam. It was nice to think that in such height and weight of the story it still turned out to be very touching.

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