Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Lie

So I am now reading The Lie by Chad Kultgen. I friend of mine recommended it to my Goodreads book club and I was curious so I took it out from the library and I gotta say it is a bit disturbing but yet fascinating to me and I really can't explain why. Every chapter thus far is in the voice of three different people. One, Brett, who is a very rich and popular kid who doesn't have any regards for women and uses them completely and then there is Kyle, who is a sensitive yet bright guy who happens to be best friends with Brett, although he is not sense in the same financial status, and finally there is Heather, who is the girlfriend of Kyle and who very much wants to attention of Brett. All of them are in college and every chapter is leading up to something but I can only guess that it gets bad and I sense revenge...

I am not really sure why I am interested in this book but something is allowing me to continuously read it and try to avoid putting it back down.

This is Chad Kultgen's second book. His first is called The Average American Male and I might just read it if The Lie doesn't entirely piss me off but I think it is actually going to be a movie - the Average American Male. On the IMDb it is said to be out in but no other information is really available. Kutlgen's books did not get any really good reviews but it is in high demand and they sell out so I think everyone may just agree with me in not truly knowing why we like to read his stuff.

I am only about 100 pages in and I started it only hours ago so I am hoping it will be one of those 1-2 days reads.

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