Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Review: The Kitchen House - Kathleen Grissom

Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 369
ISBN: 9781439153666
Format: Paperback / ARC
Rating: 5/5 stars

What can I say? I absolutley loved this book. Every page was jammed packed with intensity and you just didn't want to stop reading. The only thing I didn't like was that it had to end!

The Kitchen Hosue is written in two voices. Belle who is a slave and Lavinia who is an Irish girl who was with her family along a ship coming to America. Her parents died and her and her brother were split up so she went to live with the captian of the ship but she lived with the slaves. I loved all the twists and turns. I was an emotional wreck at some points and otherrs I was angry and happy. It was just a great book to read. I would love to go on and on about the book but you just have to read it but not my copy because mine is autogrpahed by the author and it is one that I want to cherish.

I was lucky enough to chat with the author on Goodreads via TNBBC
Go check it out and chat away!

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