Friday, February 10, 2012

Review: Girl in Translation - Jean Kwok

Genre: Fiction

ISBN: 9781611291742

Pages: 290

Read: February 2012

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Format: Trade Paperback

Published: May 2011

It was one of those books that I had for a while and kinda stare at you and yell "Read "e Already!" so I did and I very much enjoyed it. There were parts at the end that I wish didn't happen but it did and so I had to deal with it but other than that it was good. It is about Chinese immigrants who migrated to New York and of how they lived and continue to move in the way of the "American Dream". It really just revolves around the Mother and Daughter. Of course there are other characters but it really focuses on them, especially the daughter, Kimberly.

The good thing was that I could totally visualized all the places since I live near Chinatown and kinda get a realistic view of the story. The bad thing is how horrible they lived and the things they had to endure. It was pretty sad and you just wished you could have reached in the book and helped them but as life is, life is. I do recommend this book for a good quick read.

Happy Reading!

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