Thursday, January 7, 2010

Book Challenge for the New Year!

Well hello! My goal for the New Year will be to read 60+ books from Jan. to Dec. 2010. I am also doing an ABC title Challenge with the books below. I am going to add in ones that I will be reading for other book clubs as well as ones that I simply with to read. I will keep track of the books on the right sidebar entitled "Book Challenge 2010". Last year I did 63 books from November 2008 until December 2009. I am going to try my hardest which will not be easy because I am taking two classes in the Spring semester.

Wish me luck and check back often to see what I have read.

These are to be read randomly but have to be read within the year.

# - 1984*
A - The Angel's Game*
B- The Book of Lost Things*
C- City of Bones*
D- The Desert Rose*
E- Eat, Pray, Love*
F- Fidali's Way*
G- Grundish and Askew*
H- Hunger Games*
I- Ines of my Soul*
J- Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell*
K- The Kingdom of Ohio
L- Last Night in the Twisted River*
M- Murder at the Library of Congress
N- The Name of the Rose*
O- One Hundred Years of Solitude*
P- The Pillars of the Earth*
Q- Q Road R- Rebel Angels*
S- Shogun*
T- Touching Earth*
U- Until I Find You*
V- Vile Bodies*
W- World War Z*
X- Xiblaba Gate: A Novel of the Ancient Maya
Y- The Yellow Lighted Book Shop
Z- Zipped

* books I already own

1 comment:

Svea Love said...

I definitely think the ABC challenge is a good way to open up a persons reading genres. Good Luck with it :)