Genre: SiFy/Fiction/Fantasy/YA?
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 427
ISBN: 9780373802579
Rating: 3/5 Stars
I nominated this book for one of my group reads. I did it based on the monthly genre pick. I picked it based on what I read in the synopsis and thought it seemed interesting but not so much. I felt that the main character, Yelena really didn't have much of a personality. I understand all the traumas and really serious craziness that no person, or people for that matter, should ever endure but still I just felt her as a little flat. There was so much going on that I can understand that there is so much you can fit into a story but I just felt like I needed a little more form her. Even Valek. I wanted to love him but there were times when I was like "who is that?" and maybe that is good rather than bad. Mysteries are almost always fun.
I did like the story. It is not so much my style reading but I gave it a chance and I think it receive a high score on the 5 star scale. It is not the best story but it kept my interest enough for me to push forward and finish the book. As for the series? I probably would get to it just to see what happens to the main characters but I will probably wait a bit to get to it for I have so good books on my list to come.
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