Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Little Bee - Chris Cleave

Genre: Fiction
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9781416589648
Rating: 4/5 Stars

I struggled to rate this book. I wanted to give it 3.5 stars but decided it was best to give it 4 rather than 3. I really did enjoy this book. It was very intense and emotional. I really liked how normal lives can get so tangled and change so much from one instant. Charlie had to be my favorite because him being Batman throughout the whole thing made me feel better about their lives. I think he was a metaphor for the whole story. Little Bee was great. She was so strong and at times I just couldn't believe her character but I kept going back to her at the detention center. Her learning the Queen's English made sense. I kept thinking she speaks so well but with all that time, I guess anyone can learn something.

Sarah was hard for me to believe too. I guess I am not like her so I can't relate. She seemed too aggressive and too high maintenance. She is just hard to explain and I guess that's where I just felt no connection to her.

I am glad that Andrew was explained better. I was wondering about him since he did play a large role. I wanted to feel connected to him and I thought that wouldn't happen and then it did and I felt better. It was hard to read but at least I got a better picture of him.

I think t ended well because I don't think I wanted to know what happens next and if I did, i could paint my own picture and I would be satisfied.

Overall, I really did enjoy the book. I just felt something just wasn't right and I just don't l know what. I will probably think about it at a later point in which I guess I will just have to update me review.

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