Friday, October 21, 2011

Review: The Pirate's Daughter - Margaret Cezair-Thompson

Genre: Historical Fiction
ISBN: 9780812979428
Pages: 390
Published October 2007
Format: Trade Paperback
Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
Read: September 2011
Book Club Read

This book was up and down to me. It was a nice read but sometimes I was missing something. It needed more and less. Does that make sense? There were times when I wanted more information and then there were things that could have been left out and served no purpose. I loved the whole entwining Errol Flynn and Jamaica. How many stories are set in Jamaica? AND the best part was the Bob Marley was not mentioned until page 300. It was a shock! I thought for sure it would have been mentioned in the title.

This was an interesting read and I am glad I read it. I had to google more about Errol Flynn though (In like Flynn). I knew about him and his playboy life but I had to get a better image of him and I think that the author did a great job with weaving fact and fiction. It was what made the book so interesting. Everything else was mere "meh" but because she wove in Flynn it just gave it more magic. It is definitely a good book club book. It makes for great conversation and it is truly a comfort read.

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