Genre: YA SiFi Fantasy
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 9787423101482
Pages: 312
Rating: 4/5
Of course I loved it! Why wouldn't I? I never really was one for sifi nor fantasy but once I started this series I just had to continue on. This one was just as good as the first. I wasn't crazy about the second, The Sea of Monster, but all in all it didn't stop me. I am sure I mentioned this in another post, but I really enjoy this concept of Greek Gods and young people being in charge , believe me, it makes sense!
I really am falling in love with Percy! He is just a great kid and he will grow to be an even greater person or a cocky one. It can go either way and after reading the ending of this book I am leaning more towards the cocky! Not so much a Luke, maybe Percy will stay good but I can tell you he may turn arrogant but hey, this is just a thought! I really think his personality will change though.
I can definitely read between the lines and I kinda predicted what will happen at the end but it still kinda had a good shock value and I know what will happen in the other books and yet I still want to read it! I love books like that. It still makes you interested even with it's predictability. Reading this makes me feel young again and whenever I read books like this I get annoyed by the language but then I keep telling myself that it is meant to be written for younger people and then my brain goes into young world and it's kinda nice!
Oh if only there were enough hours in the day! I've been wanting to pick up this series!
I am loving it! I hope you do as well.
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